Where to buy RadioMaster TX16S Mark II?

Are you looking where to buy the RadioMaster TX16S? The RadioMaster TX16S Mark II can be bought at several selected retailers all around the world. The list below gives you some options for official retailers that can help you to get your hands on a RadioMaster TX16S.

If you reside in the EU, all RadioMaster products are available for purchase at TekRC EU, the authorized EU service and repair agent for RadioMaster (formerly known as RadioMasterRc EU)

The recommendation list is selected by us based on delivery speed and reliability. Click on the link to see all actual information and price of the product.

The new RadioMaster TX16S Mark II

The RadioMaster TX16S Mark II is available in multiple configuration options.
For gimbals, you can chose between the V4.0 Hall gimbals or the premium AG01 gimbals.
For the internal RF (remote frequency) unit, you can chose between the 4-IN-1 module and the ELRS module.

Image Product Details Where to buy
RadioMaster TX16S Mark II V4 Hall RadioMaster TX16S
Mark II
– 4-in-1 multi or ELRS Module
– V4.0 HALL or AG01 gimbals

TekRC EU (formerly RadioMaster RC EU)

RadioMaster TX16S Mark II Max

The Radiomaster TX16S Mark II Max is the premium version of the TX16S Mark II and is available in multiple configuration. You can chose your preferred color, Gimbals and Internal RF module

The internal RF modules available are the 4-IN-1 modules or the ELRS modules.
The gimbals available are the V4.0 Hall gimbals or the AG01 Hall gimbals
Available colors are Carbon Fiber Black and Carbon Fiber Red

Image Product Details Where to buy
RadioMaster-TX16S-Mark-II-Max-AG01-Black RadioMaster TX16S Mark II MAX – 4-in-1 multi or ELRS Module
– V4.0 HALL or AG01 gimbals
– Carbon Fiber Red or Black
– Premium casing, full cnc metal parts, luxury leather grips

TekRC EU (formerly RadioMaster RC EU)

We hope this list was helpfull for you! If you have any comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Please note that there are several packages and versions available of the RadioMaster TX16S Mark 2.

For the RF (remote frequency) Part, the TX16S Mark II always comes with an 4-in-1 multi transmit module that works with almost any receiver! You can also pick the ELRS RF module if that better suits your needs. Also, the TX16S Mark II is available in a special bundle together with the TBS crossfire micro tx V2 module and receiver for a discounted bundle price.

For the gimbals, you can chose for the premium ultra high quality AG01 gimbals or the V4.0 Hall gimbals. Both are very high quality gimbals. The V4.0 hall gimbals are excellent and have a non beatable price/quality ratio. The AG01 gimbals are best suited for the most demanding pilots.

Then there is the TX16S Mark II MAX edition. This edition features all kinds of CNC machined alumnium parts and a ultra high quality finishing of the outer casing. With this version you really will shine on your favorite flying field! This version is the most expensive but highest quality one.

If you need any help ordering yours, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime to assist you.